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INCPEN response to the LGA press release on plastics
04 August 2018 The Local Government Association (LGA) has distributed a press release (embargoed to 00.01 on Saturday 04 August) relating to the recycling of plastics. Paul Vanston, CEO of INCPEN comments as follows. I’ve worked in councils for most of my adult life, and mainly in recycling and [...]
INCPEN statement on the National Infrastructure Assessment
10 July 2018 The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) today issued its National Infrastructure Assessment, which sets out a long-term strategy for the UK’s economic infrastructure from 2020 to 2050. Paul Vanston, CEO of INCPEN comments as follows on the packaging-related recommendations on page 48. I was very pleased NIC [...]
UK Secretary of State, Rt Hon Michael Gove responds positively to packaging reform recommendations from WRAP, INCPEN and the ACP
Following a round table discussion convened by the Secretary of State, Michael Gove, in December last year WRAP, INCPEN (Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment) and Defra’s Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP) have, for the last two months, been engaged in a comprehensive programme of discussions with stakeholders [...]
INCPEN statement on the LARAC report titled ‘The Future of Local Authority Waste Funding’
11 April 2018 The Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC) today issued its report on ‘The Future of Local Authority Waste Funding’. Paul Vanston, CEO of INCPEN comments as follows. ‘I recommend all organisations associated with the resources value chain read this LARAC report. It is important for us [...]
INCPEN statement on Friends of the Earth report
10 April 2018 Friends of the Earth (FoE) issued a report on the joint challenges of food waste and plastic waste. Paul Vanston, CEO of INCPEN comments as follows. ‘The fundamental challenges of food waste and plastics waste that are highlighted in the FoE report are ones for all [...]
INCPEN welcomes Plastipak and Clean Tech as its newest members
We are delighted to announce that Plastipak and Clean Tech have joined as our newest members. See our full press release below.
INCPEN statement on EAC’s report on ‘Disposable Coffee Cups’
INCPEN has responded to the EAC's recent report on Disposable Coffee Cups - please see our full statement below:
INCPEN responds to Eunomia ‘Deposit Return’ report
INCPEN responds to Eunomia ‘deposit return’ report with a call to consider all options On 11th October 2017, Eunomia published a report commissioned by CPRE and others asserting that English councils would benefit by £35 million from the introduction of a deposit return scheme. INCPEN supports Defra Minister’s comments [...]
INCPEN Welcomes Litter Strategy
10 April 2017 INCPEN welcomes the Litter Strategy for England and we hope it will stimulate a new approach to littering that will create a sense of community and civic pride so England really can be a country to be proud of. Over the years we have seen many [...]
FDF and INCPEN Publish Sustainability Checklist for Packaging
10 March 2017 The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) and the Industry Council for research on Packaging and the Environment (INCPEN) today publish “Packaging for people, planet and profit – sustainability checklist”. With a foreword from Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey, the checklist will help companies choose and optimise their [...]
INCPEN Announces New CEO Appointment
16 January 2017 INCPEN - the Industry Council for research on Packaging & the Environment - has appointed Paul Vanston as its CEO to succeed Jane Bickerstaffe, whose retirement was announced last year. Jane will formally retire on19th May and in the meantime Paul will serve as CEO-designate to [...]